Search results for "xee-she'"

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xee-she' n people / population / society / tribe / villager / race Ghii Ch'aa-nv-mvn xee-she' lhan-day. There are many Chinese people.

tee-xee-she' n mermaid
fr. var. tee-xee-shé

Ch'vm-ne Xee-she' n Karuk People
irreg. infl. Ch'vm-ne Dee-ni'

ghee-chu xee-she' n stranger (from far off)

Wee-yan' Xee-she' n Wiyot People

Dvtlh-mvsh Xee-she' n Yurok People

Ch'aa-nv-mvn Xee-she' n Chinese People

Natlh-mii~-t'i xee-she' n White People

Xwes-day dee-ni' n Hupa person
fr. var. Xwes-day xee-she'