Search results for "k'ay"

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k'ay post like that
fr. var. k'ee

dii k'ay Phrase like this

yaa-k'ayt₁ VT sex / intercourse / lovemaking
1s 'vsh-k'ayt
2s 'ii~-k'ayt
3s yaa-k'ayt

yvs-k'ayt )

yvs-k'ayt₁ VT sex, had / intercourse, had / made love /
1s sii-k'ayt
2s sii~k'ayt


k'ayt-ts'vt n hopper basket, acorn

sraa~-k'ayt n elk pit
fr. var. naa~-ghvt-ch'a
fr. var. ch'vtlh-srvsr

ch'aa-k'ayt₁ VI sexual intercourse, having / sex
1s ch'vsh-k'ayt
2s ch'aa~-k'ayt
3s ch'aa-k'ayt
1d ch'it-k'ayt
2d ch'u'-k'ayt
1p ch'aa-ghit-k'ayt
2p ch'aa-xu'-k'ayt
3p xwii-ch'aa-k'ayt
Passive ch'a'sr-k'ayt

ch'v-ghin-k'ayt )

lhts'uu-k'ay adj yellowish / golden

see-k'ay-t'i n fossil

chvn k'ay des adj stiff / rigid / stick-like
fr. var. chvn k'ay des-'a~

yuu-t'ii-k'ay n pronoun

ts'ee-ne'-k'ay adj bony

tr'aa~-xee-k'ay adj womanly

ch'v-ghin-k'ayt₁ VI sexual intercourse, had / sex, had
1s ch'v-ghii-k'ayt
2s ch'v-ghin-k'ayt
3s ch'v-ghin-k'ayt
1d ch'v-ghit-k'ayt
2d ch'v-ghu'-k'ayt
1p ch'v-ghaa-ghit-k'ayt
2p ch'v-ghaa-ghu'-k'ayt
3p xwii-ch'v-ghin-k'ayt
Passive ch'a'sr-ghin-k'ayt


guu-k'ay-'vn-t'e n rice

see k'ay 'vn-t'e adj stiff / hard / rigid / inflexible / rock like
fr. var. see k'ay 'an-t'e

ch'vsh-tr'e' k'ay adj blurry / fuzzy / unfocused

chvn-k'ay des-'a~ adj brittle

lhdaa~-k'ay-k'vsh n orange fruit

naa-ghvt-na'-k'ay n predicate

waa k'ay 'utlh-'i~ Phrase looks like that

xvsh k'ay stlh-xat Phrase live like Indians

daa~-sraa~-k'ay-dan' n bracken fern

lhdaa~-k'ay-k'vsh-chu n grapefruit

lhchaa~ k'ay 'utlh-'i~ VI rain, it looks like

sree-k'e' k'ay-'vn-t'e adj slick / slimy

ch'uu-su'lh nn-ts'a's-k'ay n tule, large

ch'uu-su'lh-nn-ts'a's-k'ay n giant tule

k'ay-'an-t'e / k'ay-'vn-t'e adv that way
fr. var. k'ee-'an-t'e

sree k'ay / sree k'ay-'vn-t'e adj sticky / pitchy / gooey

dii-k'e adj in this way / like this manner
fr. var. dii-k'ay

k'ee-lish n willow tree
fr. var. k'ay-lish
fr. var. k'ii-lish

xvm-sk'e's adj cold outside / weather, it is
fr. var. xvm-sk'ays

K'vsh-chuu-me' n Elk Creek Village CA
irreg. infl. K'ayt-chuu-me'

lh'ee adj brown
dial. var. 'ee-k'ay-'vn'-t'e
fr. var. dvtlh-'ee-ye'