Search results for "'vtlh-xa~"

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'vtlh-xa~ VT age food / dress meat / pickle food
'vstlh-xa~ )

ts'uu-'vtlh-xa~ n yogurt

mee-k'aa-'vtlh-xa~ n pickle

yvlh-xa~₁ VT age it (food) / dress food / pickle it
1s 'vshlh-xa~
2s 'inlh-xa~
3s yvlh-xa~
1d 'itlh-xa~
2d 'u'lh-xa~
1p 'aa-ghitlh-xa~
2p 'aa-xu'lh-xa~
3p xee-yvlh-xa~
Passive tr'vtlh-xa~

yvslh-xa~ )