Search results for "'vstlh-t'e"
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yvslh-t'e₁ •VT• cooked it / been cooked / is cooked
1s silh-t'e
2s sinlh-t'e
3s yvslh-t'e₂
1d sitlh-t'e
2d su'lh-t'e
1p saa-ghitlh-t'e
2p saa-ghu'lh-t'e
3p xee-yvslh-t'e
Passive tr'vslh-t'e / 'vstlh-t'e
1s silh-t'e
2s sinlh-t'e
3s yvslh-t'e₂
1d sitlh-t'e
2d su'lh-t'e
1p saa-ghitlh-t'e
2p saa-ghu'lh-t'e
3p xee-yvslh-t'e
Passive tr'vslh-t'e / 'vstlh-t'e