'vn'-t'i •post• from
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'ee 'vn'-t'i •post• from the ground
le'-'vn'-t'i •post• tip of it / at he end of it
lee-'vn'-t'i •adj• end of it / tip of it
maa-'vn'-t'i •post• come from the otherside
'in' 'vn'-t'i •post• from the east
dan' 'vn'-t'i •post• from the north
dan'-'vn'-t'i •post• from above
man'-'vn'-t'i •post• otherside, from the
shu'-'vn'-t'i •adv• best way / good way
yan' 'vn'-t'i •post• south, from the
min'-'vn'-t'i₃ •post• from inside of
taa-nin' 'vn'-t'i •n• from the west
dan'-'vn'-t'i nee-nvlh-'i~ •Phrase• he's (Creator) is looking from above, so behave
me'-'vn'-t'i tree-nii-ts'vt •VI• I fell out of (something)
yaa-min' 'vn'-t'i tr'inlh-ts'vt •VI• fell out of the sky
Xaa-wan'-t'i le'-'vn'-t'i ch'v-ghii-xash. •Phrase• I have been dipping for fish all along there.
srdvn-ne •n• abnormal individual /an alien / variety of people / alien being
fr. var. srdvn-'vn'-t'ii-ne
fr. var. srdvn-'vn'-t'ii-ne