Search results for "'ut"

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'ut n oat

k'ut Phrase better wear a coat
k'wvt-nat-tr'vsh )

'utlh-'i~ VI appears / looks / come into sight / become visible

T'utlh-wa's n Training Pool at Yan'-daa-k'vt / Nameof the Yan'-daa-k'vt Serpent

t'utlh-t'ulh n cricket

me'-'utlh-'i~ n photo / picture / photograph

waa 'utlh-'i~ Phrase looks that way

mvlh-'utlh-'i~ n website

shu' 'utlh-'i~ VI handsome / good looking
shu' 'ustlh-'in' )

mvlh-ch'ut-k'et n spear

duu-wa 'utlh-'i~ Phrase doesn't look good

mvn-'utlh-tee-dvn n polling place / election / voting time / election day

duu-shu' 'utlh-'i~ VI looks good, doesn't
duu-shu' 'ustlh-'in' )

dv-ghay-ch'utlh-te VT tried it on

mvlh-me'-'utlh-'i~ n camera

waa k'ay 'utlh-'i~ Phrase looks like that

lhv-ghaa-yaa-tr'ut-ni VT They help each other.

lhchaa~ k'ay 'utlh-'i~ VI rain, it looks like

waa-chuu-t'i 'utlh-'i~ adj look identical / the same

ch'ee-si's dv-ghay-ch'utlh-te. Phrase He tries the hat on.

mvlh-ch'ut-k'et shii ghvsh-tinlh-te Phrase I am ging to pack the spear

k'wvt-nat-tr'vsh n coat/ jacket
fr. var. k'wvt-nay-tr'vsh

ch'ulh-tak₁ VI count
1s ch'ushlh-tak
2s ch'vmlh-tak
3s ch'ulh-tak
1d ch'uytlh-tak
2d ch'u'lh-tak
1p ch'uu-ghaytlh-tak
2p ch'uu-xu'lh-tak
3p xwii-ch'ulh-tak / yaa-ch'ulh-tak
Passive ch'utlh-tak

ch'aa-winlh-tak )

ch'ulh-srvt₁ VI point the way / indicate the direction
1s ch'ushlh-srvt
2s ch'vmlh-srvt
3s ch'ulh-srvt
1d ch'uytlh-srvt
2d ch'u'lh-srvt
1p ch'uu-ghaytlh-srvt
2p ch'uu-xu'lh-srvt
3p xee-ch'ulh-srvt
Passive ch'utlh-srvt

ch'aa-winlh-srvt )

waa-tr'uu-ni₁ VT help
1s waa-tr'ush-ni
2s waa-tr'um-ni
3s waa-tr'uu-ni
1d waa-tr'uyt-ni
2d waa-tr'u'-ni
1p waa-tr'aa-wayt-ni
2p waa-tr'uu-xu'-ni
3p xee-waa-tr'uu-ni
Passive waa-tr'ut-ni

waa-tr'aa-wii~-nin' )

duu yulh-ts'it₁ VT unknown of / not known of / uncertain of
1s duu 'ushlh-ts'it
2s duu 'vmlh-ts'it
3s duu yulh-ts'it
1d duu 'uytlh-ts'it
2d duu 'u'lh-ts'it
1p duu 'aa-waytlh-ts'it
2p duu 'aa-xu'lh-ts'it
3p duu xee-yulh-ts'it
Passive duu 'utlh-ts'it

duu yuslh-ts'it )

duu-day yulh-ts'it₁ VT ignorant
1s duu-day 'ushlh-ts'it
2s duu-day 'vmlh-ts'it
3s duu-day yulh-ts'it
1d duu-day 'uytlh-ts'it
2d duu-day 'u'lh-ts'it
1p duu-day 'aa-waytlh-ts'it
2p duu-day 'aa-xu'lh-ts'it
3p duu-day xee-yulh-ts'it
Passive duu-day 'utlh-ts'it

duu-day yaa-winlh-ts'it)

yulh-ts'it₁ VT know it / sure of / understand it / wise / aware
1s 'ushlh-ts'it
2s 'vmlh-ts'it
3s yulh-ts'it
1d 'uytlh-ts'it
2d 'u'lh-ts'it
1p 'aa-waytlh-ts'it
2p 'aa-xu'lh-ts'it
3p xee-yulh-ts'it
Passive 'utlh-ts'it / tr'ulh-ts'it

yaa-winlh-ts'it )